Chapter 1.0

Welcome to the Natural Legacy! I started this legacy shortly after Sims 4 launched, before Pinstar got his rules up. I started posting this legacy on, back in September. I will continue to post there as well. This is not a strict rules legacy. I won’t be counting points. I just want to see if I can get the family to ten generations!

Inheritance for heirship was originally whoever had Gaia’s green hair, but this proved problematic in later generations because you can’t tell when they’re kids. In that case, I switch to opposite gender of that gen’s founder.

Let’s jump in, shall we?

Gaia Natural has moved into Willow Creek, snapping up a recently bulldozed giant lot. With all of…100 simoleans to her name!

Gaia is a Freelance Botanist, which gives her the collector trait. She is also a Foodie, loves the outdoors, and is Good.

The public spaces around her home are surrounded by a lovely river. She tries her hand at some fishing, but the fish seem to outwit her for now.

There is a nice walking path, which has several small wild plants around it as well. Those will come in handy later. It is also apparently a popular spot for random pushups…

Gaia will need money quickly, seeing as how she’s got none of it, so she gets to work gathering up some of the local collectables. She manages to find two of the MySim trophies, which of course are promptly sold.

Wanting to know more about gardening, Gaia heads off to the library, where she sits down to read a gardening book. She also strikes up a conversation with this Tom fellow.

Gaia: Well I was gonna tell you all about this great scheme I had Tom, but some fogey stole my chair!

Gaia: Hmm, reaching my hand blindly into this log probably wasn’t the best idea…ooh look, frog!

Gaia and I can’t help but swoon at the beautiful scenery. And yes, she still is getting outwitted by fish.

It seems the only way to get seed packets is to have a gardening spot, so we use some of Gaia’s limited funds to buy a pot. Now she’s got lots of seeds to plant! Get crackin’!

Gaia is bound and determined to catch SOMETHING. And finally, after some fighting at the park she catches…a box. It has a random item in it! At least she was able to outwit the box, but still unable to catch any fish.

You would think random hotdogs in the park wouldn’t make a great instagram photo, but I could be wrong.

Luckily Gaia had done enough gathering and digging over the course of the day to buy a fridge. Now she can have cereal and yogurt instead of hot dogs! Though she lacks a place to sit.

Unfortunetly she still lacks a bed. Thankfully there is a bench down by the river across the road, so she sleeps on that her first night.

Gaia still has a desire to actually catch something, so she heads to the park early to give it a shot. All she catches is the Swamp Monster’s Toupee.

Lots of trying and different spots later, Gaia finally catches her first fish, a Perch! No more being outwitted by fish!

Not having a bed is putting a real cramp on her style though…looks like she’s not the only one needing to resort to naps in the park.

Another day of gathering later though, and Gaia can afford a bed! It even doubles as a place to sit while she eats her cereal.

Gaia heads down to the library to read some more about gardening, and meets this dashing gentleman, Elvis Black. A few jokes in and they’re chatting like old friends. He even sends a flirt her way, have we found our first Legacy Spouse?

I love that she can drink milk and eat chips at the same time!

Gaia heads out to hit up the bar to meet more people, and of course who wanders in but Elvis? He looks cute in this outfit too.