Chapter 2.2

It would appear their celebration had a bit more of an effect than they had planned. Lucia is pregnant! Thankfully they decided to go ahead and have the wedding party the next day.

The couple were the picture of lovelyness on their special day.

Both families were in attendance, including some friends of the couple. Everyone was thrilled during the ceremony.


Alas Gaia forgot to feed the cowplant before the ceremony, and he managed to lure one of the guests away (I later learned it was Lucia’s father Ezekial who fell for the allure of the cake).

Lucia was pretty proud of herself, she baked the wedding cake this time around. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

The party was a smashing success, and Darwin and Lucia enjoyed the quiet afterwards.

Lucia grew to enormous proportions very quickly, thankfully she had Gaia to help her out. She also continued to write like a madwoman during this time.

Darwin did his part as well, working diligently to repair anything that broke in the house.

Darwin: Careful there Ma, you’re gonna take an eye out with those knives.
Gaia: Nonsense. I’ve had plenty of practice and you and your sister were never injured in the process.

Lucia: How’s the painting coming dear?
Darwin: Great! How’s the bun in the oven?
Lucia: Going to come out to say hi any minute now.

Darwin: Wait, you’re in labor? Shouldn’t we like…go somewhere? Do you need towels? Hot water?
Lucia: Go back to painting. I’m just gonna read in my jammies until this is over. Chill.
I love how totally nonchalant mom sims are now about the whole birth thing.

During this is when I noticed that the cow plant had died. Considering how many times it had eaten the household, even with regular feeding, I wasn’t too upset.

That evening, little Irwin joined the household! Keeping with the famous naturalist theme, he is named after my childhood hero, Steve Irwin.

Gaia was thrilled that she got to meet her grandson. She had fond memories of little Darwin and Caroline at this stage. She would spend much of the next day with the baby. And yes, that is a fork stuck in her hand.

Active Lucia had been going nuts during pregnancy, and was determined to drop that baby weight as quickly as possible.

She did have to admit, getting to go jogging alone while Darwin took care of the baby was nice.

Thankfully, Darwin was a perfect dad in every way. He was super attentive to little Irwin.

Darwin: How do you like that painting Irwin? I painted a playful painting just for you!

Lucia: I can’t believe it’s my birthday already.
Darwin: The guests should be here soon. I think you look as young as ever.

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